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Lidding made easy.

The Primoreels Lidding System is successfully installed on numerous filling mashines around the world. Today the Primoreels System is considered by many of our customers to be the lidding system of the future.

Benefits from lids on reels. 

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Better hygiene and food safety

The Primoreels® system are implemented with a UV treatment tunnel as a standard, in which the lids can be treated easily and inexpensively. When comparing with treatment of traditional die cut lids from stacks – the solution available for die cut lids is very expensive, and not as effective, due to less available time for radiation of the lids. Especially on rotary filling machines sealable die cut lid sterilization is difficult due to the limited space available for treating the lids. Thanks to the treatment tunnel Primoreels® can offer effective treatment solutions for linear high capacity filling machines as well as rotary filling machines.

For the high capacity machines or very demanding applications where specially fragile and/or cold filled products are produced – ultra clean standards are a most. For these applications Primoreels® offer a pulsed light treatment by the “Claranor” pulsed light technology. The combination of the Primoreels lidding foils and the claranor pulsed light technology makes it possible to achieve log reductions in the level of log4.

Primoreels® offers less manual work for the operators in the dairies. One reel can contain + 40.000 pcs. of sealable lids, which is mounted in the machine in less than 1 minute.

High hygienic system with “no manual handling throughout the production chain”

Select Equip are the exclusive distributor of Primoreels, that deliver on reliability, efficiency and meet all statutory requirements for hygiene. Get in touch today.

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